Source code for fontTools.ttLib.tables.D_S_I_G_

from fontTools.misc.textTools import bytesjoin, strjoin, tobytes, tostr, safeEval
from fontTools.misc import sstruct
from . import DefaultTable
import base64

DSIG_HeaderFormat = """
	> # big endian
	ulVersion:      L
	usNumSigs:      H
	usFlag:         H
# followed by an array of usNumSigs DSIG_Signature records
DSIG_SignatureFormat = """
	> # big endian
	ulFormat:       L
	ulLength:       L # length includes DSIG_SignatureBlock header
	ulOffset:       L
# followed by an array of usNumSigs DSIG_SignatureBlock records,
# each followed immediately by the pkcs7 bytes
DSIG_SignatureBlockFormat = """
	> # big endian
	usReserved1:    H
	usReserved2:    H
	cbSignature:    l # length of following raw pkcs7 data

# the DSIG table format allows for SignatureBlocks residing
# anywhere in the table and possibly in a different order as
# listed in the array after the first table header
# this implementation does not keep track of any gaps and/or data
# before or after the actual signature blocks while decompiling,
# and puts them in the same physical order as listed in the header
# on compilation with no padding whatsoever.

[docs] class table_D_S_I_G_(DefaultTable.DefaultTable):
[docs] def decompile(self, data, ttFont): dummy, newData = sstruct.unpack2(DSIG_HeaderFormat, data, self) assert self.ulVersion == 1, "DSIG ulVersion must be 1" assert self.usFlag & ~1 == 0, "DSIG usFlag must be 0x1 or 0x0" self.signatureRecords = sigrecs = [] for n in range(self.usNumSigs): sigrec, newData = sstruct.unpack2( DSIG_SignatureFormat, newData, SignatureRecord() ) assert sigrec.ulFormat == 1, ( "DSIG signature record #%d ulFormat must be 1" % n ) sigrecs.append(sigrec) for sigrec in sigrecs: dummy, newData = sstruct.unpack2( DSIG_SignatureBlockFormat, data[sigrec.ulOffset :], sigrec ) assert sigrec.usReserved1 == 0, ( "DSIG signature record #%d usReserverd1 must be 0" % n ) assert sigrec.usReserved2 == 0, ( "DSIG signature record #%d usReserverd2 must be 0" % n ) sigrec.pkcs7 = newData[: sigrec.cbSignature]
[docs] def compile(self, ttFont): packed = sstruct.pack(DSIG_HeaderFormat, self) headers = [packed] offset = len(packed) + self.usNumSigs * sstruct.calcsize(DSIG_SignatureFormat) data = [] for sigrec in self.signatureRecords: # first pack signature block sigrec.cbSignature = len(sigrec.pkcs7) packed = sstruct.pack(DSIG_SignatureBlockFormat, sigrec) + sigrec.pkcs7 data.append(packed) # update redundant length field sigrec.ulLength = len(packed) # update running table offset sigrec.ulOffset = offset headers.append(sstruct.pack(DSIG_SignatureFormat, sigrec)) offset += sigrec.ulLength if offset % 2: # Pad to even bytes data.append(b"\0") return bytesjoin(headers + data)
[docs] def toXML(self, xmlWriter, ttFont): xmlWriter.comment( "note that the Digital Signature will be invalid after recompilation!" ) xmlWriter.newline() xmlWriter.simpletag( "tableHeader", version=self.ulVersion, numSigs=self.usNumSigs, flag="0x%X" % self.usFlag, ) for sigrec in self.signatureRecords: xmlWriter.newline() sigrec.toXML(xmlWriter, ttFont) xmlWriter.newline()
[docs] def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, ttFont): if name == "tableHeader": self.signatureRecords = [] self.ulVersion = safeEval(attrs["version"]) self.usNumSigs = safeEval(attrs["numSigs"]) self.usFlag = safeEval(attrs["flag"]) return if name == "SignatureRecord": sigrec = SignatureRecord() sigrec.fromXML(name, attrs, content, ttFont) self.signatureRecords.append(sigrec)
pem_spam = lambda l, spam={ "-----BEGIN PKCS7-----": True, "-----END PKCS7-----": True, "": True, }: not spam.get(l.strip())
[docs] def b64encode(b): s = base64.b64encode(b) # Line-break at 76 chars. items = [] while s: items.append(tostr(s[:76])) items.append("\n") s = s[76:] return strjoin(items)
[docs] class SignatureRecord(object): def __repr__(self): return "<%s: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.__dict__)
[docs] def toXML(self, writer, ttFont): writer.begintag(self.__class__.__name__, format=self.ulFormat) writer.newline() writer.write_noindent("-----BEGIN PKCS7-----\n") writer.write_noindent(b64encode(self.pkcs7)) writer.write_noindent("-----END PKCS7-----\n") writer.endtag(self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, ttFont): self.ulFormat = safeEval(attrs["format"]) self.usReserved1 = safeEval(attrs.get("reserved1", "0")) self.usReserved2 = safeEval(attrs.get("reserved2", "0")) self.pkcs7 = base64.b64decode(tobytes(strjoin(filter(pem_spam, content))))