Source code for fontTools.ttLib.tables.E_B_L_C_

from fontTools.misc import sstruct
from . import DefaultTable
from fontTools.misc.textTools import bytesjoin, safeEval
from .BitmapGlyphMetrics import (
import struct
import itertools
from collections import deque
import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

eblcHeaderFormat = """
	> # big endian
	version:  16.16F
	numSizes: I
# The table format string is split to handle sbitLineMetrics simply.
bitmapSizeTableFormatPart1 = """
	> # big endian
	indexSubTableArrayOffset: I
	indexTablesSize:          I
	numberOfIndexSubTables:   I
	colorRef:                 I
# The compound type for hori and vert.
sbitLineMetricsFormat = """
	> # big endian
	ascender:              b
	descender:             b
	widthMax:              B
	caretSlopeNumerator:   b
	caretSlopeDenominator: b
	caretOffset:           b
	minOriginSB:           b
	minAdvanceSB:          b
	maxBeforeBL:           b
	minAfterBL:            b
	pad1:                  b
	pad2:                  b
# hori and vert go between the two parts.
bitmapSizeTableFormatPart2 = """
	> # big endian
	startGlyphIndex: H
	endGlyphIndex:   H
	ppemX:           B
	ppemY:           B
	bitDepth:        B
	flags:           b

indexSubTableArrayFormat = ">HHL"
indexSubTableArraySize = struct.calcsize(indexSubTableArrayFormat)

indexSubHeaderFormat = ">HHL"
indexSubHeaderSize = struct.calcsize(indexSubHeaderFormat)

codeOffsetPairFormat = ">HH"
codeOffsetPairSize = struct.calcsize(codeOffsetPairFormat)

[docs] class table_E_B_L_C_(DefaultTable.DefaultTable): dependencies = ["EBDT"] # This method can be overridden in subclasses to support new formats # without changing the other implementation. Also can be used as a # convenience method for coverting a font file to an alternative format.
[docs] def getIndexFormatClass(self, indexFormat): return eblc_sub_table_classes[indexFormat]
[docs] def decompile(self, data, ttFont): # Save the original data because offsets are from the start of the table. origData = data i = 0 dummy = sstruct.unpack(eblcHeaderFormat, data[:8], self) i += 8 self.strikes = [] for curStrikeIndex in range(self.numSizes): curStrike = Strike() self.strikes.append(curStrike) curTable = curStrike.bitmapSizeTable dummy = sstruct.unpack2( bitmapSizeTableFormatPart1, data[i : i + 16], curTable ) i += 16 for metric in ("hori", "vert"): metricObj = SbitLineMetrics() vars(curTable)[metric] = metricObj dummy = sstruct.unpack2( sbitLineMetricsFormat, data[i : i + 12], metricObj ) i += 12 dummy = sstruct.unpack( bitmapSizeTableFormatPart2, data[i : i + 8], curTable ) i += 8 for curStrike in self.strikes: curTable = curStrike.bitmapSizeTable for subtableIndex in range(curTable.numberOfIndexSubTables): i = ( curTable.indexSubTableArrayOffset + subtableIndex * indexSubTableArraySize ) tup = struct.unpack( indexSubTableArrayFormat, data[i : i + indexSubTableArraySize] ) (firstGlyphIndex, lastGlyphIndex, additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable) = tup i = curTable.indexSubTableArrayOffset + additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable tup = struct.unpack( indexSubHeaderFormat, data[i : i + indexSubHeaderSize] ) (indexFormat, imageFormat, imageDataOffset) = tup indexFormatClass = self.getIndexFormatClass(indexFormat) indexSubTable = indexFormatClass(data[i + indexSubHeaderSize :], ttFont) indexSubTable.firstGlyphIndex = firstGlyphIndex indexSubTable.lastGlyphIndex = lastGlyphIndex indexSubTable.additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable = ( additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable ) indexSubTable.indexFormat = indexFormat indexSubTable.imageFormat = imageFormat indexSubTable.imageDataOffset = imageDataOffset indexSubTable.decompile() # curStrike.indexSubTables.append(indexSubTable)
[docs] def compile(self, ttFont): dataList = [] self.numSizes = len(self.strikes) dataList.append(sstruct.pack(eblcHeaderFormat, self)) # Data size of the header + bitmapSizeTable needs to be calculated # in order to form offsets. This value will hold the size of the data # in dataList after all the data is consolidated in dataList. dataSize = len(dataList[0]) # The table will be structured in the following order: # (0) header # (1) Each bitmapSizeTable [1 ... self.numSizes] # (2) Alternate between indexSubTableArray and indexSubTable # for each bitmapSizeTable present. # # The issue is maintaining the proper offsets when table information # gets moved around. All offsets and size information must be recalculated # when building the table to allow editing within ttLib and also allow easy # import/export to and from XML. All of this offset information is lost # when exporting to XML so everything must be calculated fresh so importing # from XML will work cleanly. Only byte offset and size information is # calculated fresh. Count information like numberOfIndexSubTables is # checked through assertions. If the information in this table was not # touched or was changed properly then these types of values should match. # # The table will be rebuilt the following way: # (0) Precompute the size of all the bitmapSizeTables. This is needed to # compute the offsets properly. # (1) For each bitmapSizeTable compute the indexSubTable and # indexSubTableArray pair. The indexSubTable must be computed first # so that the offset information in indexSubTableArray can be # calculated. Update the data size after each pairing. # (2) Build each bitmapSizeTable. # (3) Consolidate all the data into the main dataList in the correct order. for _ in self.strikes: dataSize += sstruct.calcsize(bitmapSizeTableFormatPart1) dataSize += len(("hori", "vert")) * sstruct.calcsize(sbitLineMetricsFormat) dataSize += sstruct.calcsize(bitmapSizeTableFormatPart2) indexSubTablePairDataList = [] for curStrike in self.strikes: curTable = curStrike.bitmapSizeTable curTable.numberOfIndexSubTables = len(curStrike.indexSubTables) curTable.indexSubTableArrayOffset = dataSize # Precompute the size of the indexSubTableArray. This information # is important for correctly calculating the new value for # additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable. sizeOfSubTableArray = ( curTable.numberOfIndexSubTables * indexSubTableArraySize ) lowerBound = dataSize dataSize += sizeOfSubTableArray upperBound = dataSize indexSubTableDataList = [] for indexSubTable in curStrike.indexSubTables: indexSubTable.additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable = ( dataSize - curTable.indexSubTableArrayOffset ) glyphIds = list(map(ttFont.getGlyphID, indexSubTable.names)) indexSubTable.firstGlyphIndex = min(glyphIds) indexSubTable.lastGlyphIndex = max(glyphIds) data = indexSubTable.compile(ttFont) indexSubTableDataList.append(data) dataSize += len(data) curTable.startGlyphIndex = min( ist.firstGlyphIndex for ist in curStrike.indexSubTables ) curTable.endGlyphIndex = max( ist.lastGlyphIndex for ist in curStrike.indexSubTables ) for i in curStrike.indexSubTables: data = struct.pack( indexSubHeaderFormat, i.firstGlyphIndex, i.lastGlyphIndex, i.additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable, ) indexSubTablePairDataList.append(data) indexSubTablePairDataList.extend(indexSubTableDataList) curTable.indexTablesSize = dataSize - curTable.indexSubTableArrayOffset for curStrike in self.strikes: curTable = curStrike.bitmapSizeTable data = sstruct.pack(bitmapSizeTableFormatPart1, curTable) dataList.append(data) for metric in ("hori", "vert"): metricObj = vars(curTable)[metric] data = sstruct.pack(sbitLineMetricsFormat, metricObj) dataList.append(data) data = sstruct.pack(bitmapSizeTableFormatPart2, curTable) dataList.append(data) dataList.extend(indexSubTablePairDataList) return bytesjoin(dataList)
[docs] def toXML(self, writer, ttFont): writer.simpletag("header", [("version", self.version)]) writer.newline() for curIndex, curStrike in enumerate(self.strikes): curStrike.toXML(curIndex, writer, ttFont)
[docs] def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, ttFont): if name == "header": self.version = safeEval(attrs["version"]) elif name == "strike": if not hasattr(self, "strikes"): self.strikes = [] strikeIndex = safeEval(attrs["index"]) curStrike = Strike() curStrike.fromXML(name, attrs, content, ttFont, self) # Grow the strike array to the appropriate size. The XML format # allows for the strike index value to be out of order. if strikeIndex >= len(self.strikes): self.strikes += [None] * (strikeIndex + 1 - len(self.strikes)) assert self.strikes[strikeIndex] is None, "Duplicate strike EBLC indices." self.strikes[strikeIndex] = curStrike
[docs] class Strike(object): def __init__(self): self.bitmapSizeTable = BitmapSizeTable() self.indexSubTables = []
[docs] def toXML(self, strikeIndex, writer, ttFont): writer.begintag("strike", [("index", strikeIndex)]) writer.newline() self.bitmapSizeTable.toXML(writer, ttFont) writer.comment( "GlyphIds are written but not read. The firstGlyphIndex and\nlastGlyphIndex values will be recalculated by the compiler." ) writer.newline() for indexSubTable in self.indexSubTables: indexSubTable.toXML(writer, ttFont) writer.endtag("strike") writer.newline()
[docs] def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, ttFont, locator): for element in content: if not isinstance(element, tuple): continue name, attrs, content = element if name == "bitmapSizeTable": self.bitmapSizeTable.fromXML(name, attrs, content, ttFont) elif name.startswith(_indexSubTableSubclassPrefix): indexFormat = safeEval(name[len(_indexSubTableSubclassPrefix) :]) indexFormatClass = locator.getIndexFormatClass(indexFormat) indexSubTable = indexFormatClass(None, None) indexSubTable.indexFormat = indexFormat indexSubTable.fromXML(name, attrs, content, ttFont) self.indexSubTables.append(indexSubTable)
[docs] class BitmapSizeTable(object): # Returns all the simple metric names that bitmap size table # cares about in terms of XML creation. def _getXMLMetricNames(self): dataNames = sstruct.getformat(bitmapSizeTableFormatPart1)[1] dataNames = {**dataNames, **sstruct.getformat(bitmapSizeTableFormatPart2)[1]} # Skip the first 3 data names because they are byte offsets and counts. return list(dataNames.keys())[3:]
[docs] def toXML(self, writer, ttFont): writer.begintag("bitmapSizeTable") writer.newline() for metric in ("hori", "vert"): getattr(self, metric).toXML(metric, writer, ttFont) for metricName in self._getXMLMetricNames(): writer.simpletag(metricName, value=getattr(self, metricName)) writer.newline() writer.endtag("bitmapSizeTable") writer.newline()
[docs] def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, ttFont): # Create a lookup for all the simple names that make sense to # bitmap size table. Only read the information from these names. dataNames = set(self._getXMLMetricNames()) for element in content: if not isinstance(element, tuple): continue name, attrs, content = element if name == "sbitLineMetrics": direction = attrs["direction"] assert direction in ( "hori", "vert", ), "SbitLineMetrics direction specified invalid." metricObj = SbitLineMetrics() metricObj.fromXML(name, attrs, content, ttFont) vars(self)[direction] = metricObj elif name in dataNames: vars(self)[name] = safeEval(attrs["value"]) else: log.warning("unknown name '%s' being ignored in BitmapSizeTable.", name)
[docs] class SbitLineMetrics(object):
[docs] def toXML(self, name, writer, ttFont): writer.begintag("sbitLineMetrics", [("direction", name)]) writer.newline() for metricName in sstruct.getformat(sbitLineMetricsFormat)[1]: writer.simpletag(metricName, value=getattr(self, metricName)) writer.newline() writer.endtag("sbitLineMetrics") writer.newline()
[docs] def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, ttFont): metricNames = set(sstruct.getformat(sbitLineMetricsFormat)[1]) for element in content: if not isinstance(element, tuple): continue name, attrs, content = element if name in metricNames: vars(self)[name] = safeEval(attrs["value"])
# Important information about the naming scheme. Used for identifying subtables. _indexSubTableSubclassPrefix = "eblc_index_sub_table_"
[docs] class EblcIndexSubTable(object): def __init__(self, data, ttFont): = data self.ttFont = ttFont # TODO Currently non-lazy decompiling doesn't work for this class... # if not ttFont.lazy: # self.decompile() # del, self.ttFont def __getattr__(self, attr): # Allow lazy decompile. if attr[:2] == "__": raise AttributeError(attr) if attr == "data": raise AttributeError(attr) self.decompile() return getattr(self, attr)
[docs] def ensureDecompiled(self, recurse=False): if hasattr(self, "data"): self.decompile()
# This method just takes care of the indexSubHeader. Implementing subclasses # should call it to compile the indexSubHeader and then continue compiling # the remainder of their unique format.
[docs] def compile(self, ttFont): return struct.pack( indexSubHeaderFormat, self.indexFormat, self.imageFormat, self.imageDataOffset, )
# Creates the XML for bitmap glyphs. Each index sub table basically makes # the same XML except for specific metric information that is written # out via a method call that a subclass implements optionally.
[docs] def toXML(self, writer, ttFont): writer.begintag( self.__class__.__name__, [ ("imageFormat", self.imageFormat), ("firstGlyphIndex", self.firstGlyphIndex), ("lastGlyphIndex", self.lastGlyphIndex), ], ) writer.newline() self.writeMetrics(writer, ttFont) # Write out the names as thats all thats needed to rebuild etc. # For font debugging of consecutive formats the ids are also written. # The ids are not read when moving from the XML format. glyphIds = map(ttFont.getGlyphID, self.names) for glyphName, glyphId in zip(self.names, glyphIds): writer.simpletag("glyphLoc", name=glyphName, id=glyphId) writer.newline() writer.endtag(self.__class__.__name__) writer.newline()
[docs] def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, ttFont): # Read all the attributes. Even though the glyph indices are # recalculated, they are still read in case there needs to # be an immediate export of the data. self.imageFormat = safeEval(attrs["imageFormat"]) self.firstGlyphIndex = safeEval(attrs["firstGlyphIndex"]) self.lastGlyphIndex = safeEval(attrs["lastGlyphIndex"]) self.readMetrics(name, attrs, content, ttFont) self.names = [] for element in content: if not isinstance(element, tuple): continue name, attrs, content = element if name == "glyphLoc": self.names.append(attrs["name"])
# A helper method that writes the metrics for the index sub table. It also # is responsible for writing the image size for fixed size data since fixed # size is not recalculated on compile. Default behavior is to do nothing.
[docs] def writeMetrics(self, writer, ttFont): pass
# A helper method that is the inverse of writeMetrics.
[docs] def readMetrics(self, name, attrs, content, ttFont): pass
# This method is for fixed glyph data sizes. There are formats where # the glyph data is fixed but are actually composite glyphs. To handle # this the font spec in indexSubTable makes the data the size of the # fixed size by padding the component arrays. This function abstracts # out this padding process. Input is data unpadded. Output is data # padded only in fixed formats. Default behavior is to return the data.
[docs] def padBitmapData(self, data): return data
# Remove any of the glyph locations and names that are flagged as skipped. # This only occurs in formats {1,3}.
[docs] def removeSkipGlyphs(self): # Determines if a name, location pair is a valid data location. # Skip glyphs are marked when the size is equal to zero. def isValidLocation(args): (name, (startByte, endByte)) = args return startByte < endByte # Remove all skip glyphs. dataPairs = list(filter(isValidLocation, zip(self.names, self.locations))) self.names, self.locations = list(map(list, zip(*dataPairs)))
# A closure for creating a custom mixin. This is done because formats 1 and 3 # are very similar. The only difference between them is the size per offset # value. Code put in here should handle both cases generally. def _createOffsetArrayIndexSubTableMixin(formatStringForDataType): # Prep the data size for the offset array data format. dataFormat = ">" + formatStringForDataType offsetDataSize = struct.calcsize(dataFormat) class OffsetArrayIndexSubTableMixin(object): def decompile(self): numGlyphs = self.lastGlyphIndex - self.firstGlyphIndex + 1 indexingOffsets = [ glyphIndex * offsetDataSize for glyphIndex in range(numGlyphs + 2) ] indexingLocations = zip(indexingOffsets, indexingOffsets[1:]) offsetArray = [ struct.unpack(dataFormat,[slice(*loc)])[0] for loc in indexingLocations ] glyphIds = list(range(self.firstGlyphIndex, self.lastGlyphIndex + 1)) modifiedOffsets = [offset + self.imageDataOffset for offset in offsetArray] self.locations = list(zip(modifiedOffsets, modifiedOffsets[1:])) self.names = list(map(self.ttFont.getGlyphName, glyphIds)) self.removeSkipGlyphs() del, self.ttFont def compile(self, ttFont): # First make sure that all the data lines up properly. Formats 1 and 3 # must have all its data lined up consecutively. If not this will fail. for curLoc, nxtLoc in zip(self.locations, self.locations[1:]): assert ( curLoc[1] == nxtLoc[0] ), "Data must be consecutive in indexSubTable offset formats" glyphIds = list(map(ttFont.getGlyphID, self.names)) # Make sure that all ids are sorted strictly increasing. assert all(glyphIds[i] < glyphIds[i + 1] for i in range(len(glyphIds) - 1)) # Run a simple algorithm to add skip glyphs to the data locations at # the places where an id is not present. idQueue = deque(glyphIds) locQueue = deque(self.locations) allGlyphIds = list(range(self.firstGlyphIndex, self.lastGlyphIndex + 1)) allLocations = [] for curId in allGlyphIds: if curId != idQueue[0]: allLocations.append((locQueue[0][0], locQueue[0][0])) else: idQueue.popleft() allLocations.append(locQueue.popleft()) # Now that all the locations are collected, pack them appropriately into # offsets. This is the form where offset[i] is the location and # offset[i+1]-offset[i] is the size of the data location. offsets = list(allLocations[0]) + [loc[1] for loc in allLocations[1:]] # Image data offset must be less than or equal to the minimum of locations. # This offset may change the value for round tripping but is safer and # allows imageDataOffset to not be required to be in the XML version. self.imageDataOffset = min(offsets) offsetArray = [offset - self.imageDataOffset for offset in offsets] dataList = [EblcIndexSubTable.compile(self, ttFont)] dataList += [ struct.pack(dataFormat, offsetValue) for offsetValue in offsetArray ] # Take care of any padding issues. Only occurs in format 3. if offsetDataSize * len(offsetArray) % 4 != 0: dataList.append(struct.pack(dataFormat, 0)) return bytesjoin(dataList) return OffsetArrayIndexSubTableMixin # A Mixin for functionality shared between the different kinds # of fixed sized data handling. Both kinds have big metrics so # that kind of special processing is also handled in this mixin.
[docs] class FixedSizeIndexSubTableMixin(object):
[docs] def writeMetrics(self, writer, ttFont): writer.simpletag("imageSize", value=self.imageSize) writer.newline() self.metrics.toXML(writer, ttFont)
[docs] def readMetrics(self, name, attrs, content, ttFont): for element in content: if not isinstance(element, tuple): continue name, attrs, content = element if name == "imageSize": self.imageSize = safeEval(attrs["value"]) elif name == BigGlyphMetrics.__name__: self.metrics = BigGlyphMetrics() self.metrics.fromXML(name, attrs, content, ttFont) elif name == SmallGlyphMetrics.__name__: log.warning( "SmallGlyphMetrics being ignored in format %d.", self.indexFormat )
[docs] def padBitmapData(self, data): # Make sure that the data isn't bigger than the fixed size. assert len(data) <= self.imageSize, ( "Data in indexSubTable format %d must be less than the fixed size." % self.indexFormat ) # Pad the data so that it matches the fixed size. pad = (self.imageSize - len(data)) * b"\0" return data + pad
[docs] class eblc_index_sub_table_1( _createOffsetArrayIndexSubTableMixin("L"), EblcIndexSubTable ): pass
[docs] class eblc_index_sub_table_2(FixedSizeIndexSubTableMixin, EblcIndexSubTable):
[docs] def decompile(self): (self.imageSize,) = struct.unpack(">L",[:4]) self.metrics = BigGlyphMetrics() sstruct.unpack2(bigGlyphMetricsFormat,[4:], self.metrics) glyphIds = list(range(self.firstGlyphIndex, self.lastGlyphIndex + 1)) offsets = [ self.imageSize * i + self.imageDataOffset for i in range(len(glyphIds) + 1) ] self.locations = list(zip(offsets, offsets[1:])) self.names = list(map(self.ttFont.getGlyphName, glyphIds)) del, self.ttFont
[docs] def compile(self, ttFont): glyphIds = list(map(ttFont.getGlyphID, self.names)) # Make sure all the ids are consecutive. This is required by Format 2. assert glyphIds == list( range(self.firstGlyphIndex, self.lastGlyphIndex + 1) ), "Format 2 ids must be consecutive." self.imageDataOffset = min(next(iter(zip(*self.locations)))) dataList = [EblcIndexSubTable.compile(self, ttFont)] dataList.append(struct.pack(">L", self.imageSize)) dataList.append(sstruct.pack(bigGlyphMetricsFormat, self.metrics)) return bytesjoin(dataList)
[docs] class eblc_index_sub_table_3( _createOffsetArrayIndexSubTableMixin("H"), EblcIndexSubTable ): pass
[docs] class eblc_index_sub_table_4(EblcIndexSubTable):
[docs] def decompile(self): (numGlyphs,) = struct.unpack(">L",[:4]) data =[4:] indexingOffsets = [ glyphIndex * codeOffsetPairSize for glyphIndex in range(numGlyphs + 2) ] indexingLocations = zip(indexingOffsets, indexingOffsets[1:]) glyphArray = [ struct.unpack(codeOffsetPairFormat, data[slice(*loc)]) for loc in indexingLocations ] glyphIds, offsets = list(map(list, zip(*glyphArray))) # There are one too many glyph ids. Get rid of the last one. glyphIds.pop() offsets = [offset + self.imageDataOffset for offset in offsets] self.locations = list(zip(offsets, offsets[1:])) self.names = list(map(self.ttFont.getGlyphName, glyphIds)) del, self.ttFont
[docs] def compile(self, ttFont): # First make sure that all the data lines up properly. Format 4 # must have all its data lined up consecutively. If not this will fail. for curLoc, nxtLoc in zip(self.locations, self.locations[1:]): assert ( curLoc[1] == nxtLoc[0] ), "Data must be consecutive in indexSubTable format 4" offsets = list(self.locations[0]) + [loc[1] for loc in self.locations[1:]] # Image data offset must be less than or equal to the minimum of locations. # Resetting this offset may change the value for round tripping but is safer # and allows imageDataOffset to not be required to be in the XML version. self.imageDataOffset = min(offsets) offsets = [offset - self.imageDataOffset for offset in offsets] glyphIds = list(map(ttFont.getGlyphID, self.names)) # Create an iterator over the ids plus a padding value. idsPlusPad = list(itertools.chain(glyphIds, [0])) dataList = [EblcIndexSubTable.compile(self, ttFont)] dataList.append(struct.pack(">L", len(glyphIds))) tmp = [ struct.pack(codeOffsetPairFormat, *cop) for cop in zip(idsPlusPad, offsets) ] dataList += tmp data = bytesjoin(dataList) return data
[docs] class eblc_index_sub_table_5(FixedSizeIndexSubTableMixin, EblcIndexSubTable):
[docs] def decompile(self): self.origDataLen = 0 (self.imageSize,) = struct.unpack(">L",[:4]) data =[4:] self.metrics, data = sstruct.unpack2( bigGlyphMetricsFormat, data, BigGlyphMetrics() ) (numGlyphs,) = struct.unpack(">L", data[:4]) data = data[4:] glyphIds = [ struct.unpack(">H", data[2 * i : 2 * (i + 1)])[0] for i in range(numGlyphs) ] offsets = [ self.imageSize * i + self.imageDataOffset for i in range(len(glyphIds) + 1) ] self.locations = list(zip(offsets, offsets[1:])) self.names = list(map(self.ttFont.getGlyphName, glyphIds)) del, self.ttFont
[docs] def compile(self, ttFont): self.imageDataOffset = min(next(iter(zip(*self.locations)))) dataList = [EblcIndexSubTable.compile(self, ttFont)] dataList.append(struct.pack(">L", self.imageSize)) dataList.append(sstruct.pack(bigGlyphMetricsFormat, self.metrics)) glyphIds = list(map(ttFont.getGlyphID, self.names)) dataList.append(struct.pack(">L", len(glyphIds))) dataList += [struct.pack(">H", curId) for curId in glyphIds] if len(glyphIds) % 2 == 1: dataList.append(struct.pack(">H", 0)) return bytesjoin(dataList)
# Dictionary of indexFormat to the class representing that format. eblc_sub_table_classes = { 1: eblc_index_sub_table_1, 2: eblc_index_sub_table_2, 3: eblc_index_sub_table_3, 4: eblc_index_sub_table_4, 5: eblc_index_sub_table_5, }