Source code for fontTools.ttLib.tables._v_h_e_a

from fontTools.misc import sstruct
from fontTools.misc.textTools import safeEval
from fontTools.misc.fixedTools import (
    ensureVersionIsLong as fi2ve,
    versionToFixed as ve2fi,
from . import DefaultTable
import math

vheaFormat = """
		>	# big endian
		tableVersion:		L
		ascent:			h
		descent:		h
		lineGap:		h
		advanceHeightMax:	H
		minTopSideBearing:	h
		minBottomSideBearing:	h
		yMaxExtent:		h
		caretSlopeRise:		h
		caretSlopeRun:		h
		caretOffset:		h
		reserved1:		h
		reserved2:		h
		reserved3:		h
		reserved4:		h
		metricDataFormat:	h
		numberOfVMetrics:	H

[docs] class table__v_h_e_a(DefaultTable.DefaultTable): # Note: Keep in sync with table__h_h_e_a dependencies = ["vmtx", "glyf", "CFF ", "CFF2"]
[docs] def decompile(self, data, ttFont): sstruct.unpack(vheaFormat, data, self)
[docs] def compile(self, ttFont): if ttFont.recalcBBoxes and ( ttFont.isLoaded("glyf") or ttFont.isLoaded("CFF ") or ttFont.isLoaded("CFF2") ): self.recalc(ttFont) self.tableVersion = fi2ve(self.tableVersion) return sstruct.pack(vheaFormat, self)
[docs] def recalc(self, ttFont): if "vmtx" not in ttFont: return vmtxTable = ttFont["vmtx"] self.advanceHeightMax = max(adv for adv, _ in vmtxTable.metrics.values()) boundsHeightDict = {} if "glyf" in ttFont: glyfTable = ttFont["glyf"] for name in ttFont.getGlyphOrder(): g = glyfTable[name] if g.numberOfContours == 0: continue if g.numberOfContours < 0 and not hasattr(g, "yMax"): # Composite glyph without extents set. # Calculate those. g.recalcBounds(glyfTable) boundsHeightDict[name] = g.yMax - g.yMin elif "CFF " in ttFont or "CFF2" in ttFont: if "CFF " in ttFont: topDict = ttFont["CFF "].cff.topDictIndex[0] else: topDict = ttFont["CFF2"].cff.topDictIndex[0] charStrings = topDict.CharStrings for name in ttFont.getGlyphOrder(): cs = charStrings[name] bounds = cs.calcBounds(charStrings) if bounds is not None: boundsHeightDict[name] = int( math.ceil(bounds[3]) - math.floor(bounds[1]) ) if boundsHeightDict: minTopSideBearing = float("inf") minBottomSideBearing = float("inf") yMaxExtent = -float("inf") for name, boundsHeight in boundsHeightDict.items(): advanceHeight, tsb = vmtxTable[name] bsb = advanceHeight - tsb - boundsHeight extent = tsb + boundsHeight minTopSideBearing = min(minTopSideBearing, tsb) minBottomSideBearing = min(minBottomSideBearing, bsb) yMaxExtent = max(yMaxExtent, extent) self.minTopSideBearing = minTopSideBearing self.minBottomSideBearing = minBottomSideBearing self.yMaxExtent = yMaxExtent else: # No glyph has outlines. self.minTopSideBearing = 0 self.minBottomSideBearing = 0 self.yMaxExtent = 0
[docs] def toXML(self, writer, ttFont): formatstring, names, fixes = sstruct.getformat(vheaFormat) for name in names: value = getattr(self, name) if name == "tableVersion": value = fi2ve(value) value = "0x%08x" % value writer.simpletag(name, value=value) writer.newline()
[docs] def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, ttFont): if name == "tableVersion": setattr(self, name, ve2fi(attrs["value"])) return setattr(self, name, safeEval(attrs["value"]))
# reserved0 is caretOffset for legacy reasons @property def reserved0(self): return self.caretOffset @reserved0.setter def reserved0(self, value): self.caretOffset = value