ttLib: Read and write OpenType and TrueType fonts


Most users of the fontTools library will be using it to generate or manipulate OpenType and TrueType fonts. (FontTools initially only supported TrueType fonts, gaining OpenType support in version 2.0, and so uses the tt prefix to refer to both kinds of font. Because of this we will refer to both as “TrueType fonts” unless we need to make a distinction.)

The main entry point for such operations is the fontTools.ttLib.ttFont module, but other modules also provide useful functionality for handling OpenType fonts:

ttLib supports fonts with TrueType-flavored glyphs (i.e., with a glyf table), with PostScript-flavored glyphs (i.e., CFF or CFF2 tables), and with all of the glyph formats used for color fonts (CBDT, COLR, sbix, and SVG). Static and variable fonts are both supported.

Command-line utilities

ttLib includes two modules that provide command-line operations:

Supporting modules

It also contains helper modules that enable lower-level functionality. In most cases, users will not need to access these modules directly: