
class fontTools.ufoLib.UFOFileStructure(value)[source]

An enumeration.

PACKAGE = 'package'
ZIP = 'zip'
exception fontTools.ufoLib.UFOLibError[source]

Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

class fontTools.ufoLib.UFOReader(path, validate=True)[source]

Read the various components of the .ufo.

By default read data is validated. Set validate to False to not validate the data.

property fileStructure

either UFOFileStructure.ZIP or UFOFileStructure.PACKAGE


The file structure of the UFO

property formatVersion

Use formatVersionTuple


The (major) format version of the UFO. DEPRECATED

property formatVersionTuple

The (major, minor) format version of the UFO. This is determined by reading metainfo.plist during __init__.

getCharacterMapping(layerName=None, validate=None)[source]

Return a dictionary that maps unicode values (ints) to lists of glyph names.


Returns a list of all files in the data directory. The returned paths will be relative to the UFO. This will not list directory names, only file names. Thus, empty directories will be skipped.


Get the default layer name from layercontents.plist.

validate will validate the data, by default it is set to the class’s validate value, can be overridden.


Returns the modification time for the file at the given path, as a floating point number giving the number of seconds since the epoch. The path must be relative to the UFO path. Returns None if the file does not exist.

getGlyphSet(layerName=None, validateRead=None, validateWrite=None)[source]

Return the GlyphSet associated with the glyphs directory mapped to layerName in the UFO. If layerName is not provided, the name retrieved with getDefaultLayerName will be used.

validateRead will validate the read data, by default it is set to the class’s validate value, can be overridden. validateWrite will validate the written data, by default it is set to the class’s validate value, can be overridden.


Returns a list of all image file names in the images directory. Each of the images will have been verified to have the PNG signature.

validate will validate the data, by default it is set to the class’s validate value, can be overridden.


Get maps defining the renaming that was done during any needed kerning group conversion. This method returns a dictionary of this form:

        "side1" : {"old group name" : "new group name"},
        "side2" : {"old group name" : "new group name"}

When no conversion has been performed, the side1 and side2 dictionaries will be empty.

validate will validate the groups, by default it is set to the class’s validate value, can be overridden.


Get the ordered layer names from layercontents.plist.

validate will validate the data, by default it is set to the class’s validate value, can be overridden.

getReadFileForPath(path, encoding=None)[source]

Returns a file (or file-like) object for the file at the given path. The path must be relative to the UFO path. Returns None if the file does not exist. By default the file is opened in binary mode (reads bytes). If encoding is passed, the file is opened in text mode (reads str).

Note: The caller is responsible for closing the open file.

property path

The path of the UFO (DEPRECATED).


Returns the bytes in the file at the given path. The path must be relative to the UFO’s filesystem root. Returns None if the file does not exist.


Return bytes for the file named ‘fileName’ inside the ‘data/’ directory.


Read features.fea. Return a string. The returned string is empty if the file is missing.


Read groups.plist. Returns a dict. validate will validate the read data, by default it is set to the class’s validate value, can be overridden.

readImage(fileName, validate=None)[source]

Return image data for the file named fileName.

validate will validate the data, by default it is set to the class’s validate value, can be overridden.

readInfo(info, validate=None)[source]

Read fontinfo.plist. It requires an object that allows setting attributes with names that follow the fontinfo.plist version 3 specification. This will write the attributes defined in the file into the object.

validate will validate the read data, by default it is set to the class’s validate value, can be overridden.


Read kerning.plist. Returns a dict.

validate will validate the kerning data, by default it is set to the class’s validate value, can be overridden.


Read lib.plist. Returns a dict.

validate will validate the data, by default it is set to the class’s validate value, can be overridden.


Read metainfo.plist and set formatVersion. Only used for internal operations.

validate will validate the read data, by default it is set to the class’s validate value, can be overridden.


alias of UFOWriter

class fontTools.ufoLib.UFOWriter(path, formatVersion=None, fileCreator='com.github.fonttools.ufoLib', structure=None, validate=True)[source]

Write the various components of the .ufo.

By default, the written data will be validated before writing. Set validate to False if you do not want to validate the data. Validation can also be overriden on a per method level if desired.

The formatVersion argument allows to specify the UFO format version as a tuple of integers (major, minor), or as a single integer for the major digit only (minor is implied as 0). By default the latest formatVersion will be used; currently it’s 3.0, which is equivalent to formatVersion=(3, 0).

An UnsupportedUFOFormat exception is raised if the requested UFO formatVersion is not supported.

copyFromReader(reader, sourcePath, destPath)[source]

Copy the sourcePath in the provided UFOReader to destPath in this writer. The paths must be relative. This works with both individual files and directories.

copyImageFromReader(reader, sourceFileName, destFileName, validate=None)[source]

Copy the sourceFileName in the provided UFOReader to destFileName in this writer. This uses the most memory efficient method possible for copying the data possible.


Remove the glyph set matching layerName.

property fileCreator

The file creator of the UFO. This is set into metainfo.plist during __init__.

property fileStructure

either UFOFileStructure.ZIP or UFOFileStructure.PACKAGE


The file structure of the UFO

property formatVersion

Use formatVersionTuple


The (major) format version of the UFO. DEPRECATED

property formatVersionTuple

The (major, minor) format version of the UFO. This is determined by reading metainfo.plist during __init__.

getCharacterMapping(layerName=None, validate=None)

Return a dictionary that maps unicode values (ints) to lists of glyph names.


Returns a list of all files in the data directory. The returned paths will be relative to the UFO. This will not list directory names, only file names. Thus, empty directories will be skipped.


Get the default layer name from layercontents.plist.

validate will validate the data, by default it is set to the class’s validate value, can be overridden.


Returns the modification time for the file at the given path, as a floating point number giving the number of seconds since the epoch. The path must be relative to the UFO path. Returns None if the file does not exist.

getFileObjectForPath(path, mode='w', encoding=None)[source]

Returns a file (or file-like) object for the file at the given path. The path must be relative to the UFO path. Returns None if the file does not exist and the mode is “r” or “rb. An encoding may be passed if the file is opened in text mode.

Note: The caller is responsible for closing the open file.

getGlyphSet(layerName=None, defaultLayer=True, glyphNameToFileNameFunc=None, validateRead=None, validateWrite=None, expectContentsFile=False)[source]

Return the GlyphSet object associated with the appropriate glyph directory in the .ufo. If layerName is None, the default glyph set will be used. The defaultLayer flag indictes that the layer should be saved into the default glyphs directory.

validateRead will validate the read data, by default it is set to the class’s validate value, can be overridden. validateWrte will validate the written data, by default it is set to the class’s validate value, can be overridden. expectContentsFile will raise a GlifLibError if a contents.plist file is not found on the glyph set file system. This should be set to True if you are reading an existing UFO and False if you use getGlyphSet to create a fresh glyph set.


Returns a list of all image file names in the images directory. Each of the images will have been verified to have the PNG signature.

validate will validate the data, by default it is set to the class’s validate value, can be overridden.


Get maps defining the renaming that was done during any needed kerning group conversion. This method returns a dictionary of this form:

        "side1" : {"old group name" : "new group name"},
        "side2" : {"old group name" : "new group name"}

When no conversion has been performed, the side1 and side2 dictionaries will be empty.

validate will validate the groups, by default it is set to the class’s validate value, can be overridden.


Get the ordered layer names from layercontents.plist.

validate will validate the data, by default it is set to the class’s validate value, can be overridden.

getReadFileForPath(path, encoding=None)

Returns a file (or file-like) object for the file at the given path. The path must be relative to the UFO path. Returns None if the file does not exist. By default the file is opened in binary mode (reads bytes). If encoding is passed, the file is opened in text mode (reads str).

Note: The caller is responsible for closing the open file.

property path

The path of the UFO (DEPRECATED).


Returns the bytes in the file at the given path. The path must be relative to the UFO’s filesystem root. Returns None if the file does not exist.


Return bytes for the file named ‘fileName’ inside the ‘data/’ directory.


Read features.fea. Return a string. The returned string is empty if the file is missing.


Read groups.plist. Returns a dict. validate will validate the read data, by default it is set to the class’s validate value, can be overridden.

readImage(fileName, validate=None)

Return image data for the file named fileName.

validate will validate the data, by default it is set to the class’s validate value, can be overridden.

readInfo(info, validate=None)

Read fontinfo.plist. It requires an object that allows setting attributes with names that follow the fontinfo.plist version 3 specification. This will write the attributes defined in the file into the object.

validate will validate the read data, by default it is set to the class’s validate value, can be overridden.


Read kerning.plist. Returns a dict.

validate will validate the kerning data, by default it is set to the class’s validate value, can be overridden.


Read lib.plist. Returns a dict.

validate will validate the data, by default it is set to the class’s validate value, can be overridden.


Read metainfo.plist and set formatVersion. Only used for internal operations.

validate will validate the read data, by default it is set to the class’s validate value, can be overridden.


Remove the file named fileName from the data directory.

removeFileForPath(path, force=False, removeEmptyParents=True)

Remove the file (or directory) at path. The path must be relative to the UFO. Raises UFOLibError if the path doesn’t exist. If force=True, ignore non-existent paths. If the directory where ‘path’ is located becomes empty, it will be automatically removed, unless ‘removeEmptyParents’ is False.

removeImage(fileName, validate=None)[source]

Remove the file named fileName from the images directory.

removePath(path, force=False, removeEmptyParents=True)[source]

Remove the file (or directory) at path. The path must be relative to the UFO. Raises UFOLibError if the path doesn’t exist. If force=True, ignore non-existent paths. If the directory where ‘path’ is located becomes empty, it will be automatically removed, unless ‘removeEmptyParents’ is False.

renameGlyphSet(layerName, newLayerName, defaultLayer=False)[source]

Rename a glyph set.

Note: if a GlyphSet object has already been retrieved for layerName, it is up to the caller to inform that object that the directory it represents has changed.


Set maps defining the renaming that should be done when writing groups and kerning in UFO 1 and UFO 2. This will effectively undo the conversion done when UFOReader reads this data. The dictionary should have this form:

        "side1" : {"group name to use when writing" : "group name in data"},
        "side2" : {"group name to use when writing" : "group name in data"}

This is the same form returned by UFOReader’s getKerningGroupConversionRenameMaps method.


Set the UFO modification time to the current time. This is never called automatically. It is up to the caller to call this when finished working on the UFO.

writeBytesToPath(path, data)[source]

Write bytes to a path relative to the UFO filesystem’s root. If writing to an existing UFO, check to see if data matches the data that is already in the file at path; if so, the file is not rewritten so that the modification date is preserved. If needed, the directory tree for the given path will be built.

writeData(fileName, data)[source]

Write data to fileName in the ‘data’ directory. The data must be a bytes string.

writeFeatures(features, validate=None)[source]

Write features.fea. This method requires a features string as an argument.

writeGroups(groups, validate=None)[source]

Write groups.plist. This method requires a dict of glyph groups as an argument.

validate will validate the data, by default it is set to the class’s validate value, can be overridden.

writeImage(fileName, data, validate=None)[source]

Write data to fileName in the images directory. The data must be a valid PNG.

writeInfo(info, validate=None)[source]

Write info.plist. This method requires an object that supports getting attributes that follow the fontinfo.plist version 2 specification. Attributes will be taken from the given object and written into the file.

validate will validate the data, by default it is set to the class’s validate value, can be overridden.

writeKerning(kerning, validate=None)[source]

Write kerning.plist. This method requires a dict of kerning pairs as an argument.

This performs basic structural validation of the kerning, but it does not check for compliance with the spec in regards to conflicting pairs. The assumption is that the kerning data being passed is standards compliant.

validate will validate the data, by default it is set to the class’s validate value, can be overridden.

writeLayerContents(layerOrder=None, validate=None)[source]

Write the layercontents.plist file. This method must be called after all glyph sets have been written.

writeLib(libDict, validate=None)[source]

Write lib.plist. This method requires a lib dict as an argument.

validate will validate the data, by default it is set to the class’s validate value, can be overridden.

fontTools.ufoLib.convertFontInfoValueForAttributeFromVersion1ToVersion2(attr, value)[source]

Convert value from version 1 to version 2 format. Returns the new attribute name and the converted value. If the value is None, None will be returned for the new value.

fontTools.ufoLib.convertFontInfoValueForAttributeFromVersion2ToVersion1(attr, value)[source]

Convert value from version 2 to version 1 format. Returns the new attribute name and the converted value. If the value is None, None will be returned for the new value.


Return a .ufo pathname.

>>> makeUFOPath("directory/something.ext") == (
...         os.path.join('directory', 'something.ufo'))
>>> makeUFOPath("directory/something.another.thing.ext") == (
...         os.path.join('directory', 'something.another.thing.ufo'))
fontTools.ufoLib.validateFontInfoVersion2ValueForAttribute(attr, value)[source]

This performs very basic validation of the value for attribute following the UFO 2 fontinfo.plist specification. The results of this should not be interpretted as correct for the font that they are part of. This merely indicates that the value is of the proper type and, where the specification defines a set range of possible values for an attribute, that the value is in the accepted range.

fontTools.ufoLib.validateFontInfoVersion3ValueForAttribute(attr, value)[source]

This performs very basic validation of the value for attribute following the UFO 3 fontinfo.plist specification. The results of this should not be interpretted as correct for the font that they are part of. This merely indicates that the value is of the proper type and, where the specification defines a set range of possible values for an attribute, that the value is in the accepted range.