
fontTools.pens.svgPathPen.pointToString(pt, ntos=<class 'str'>)[source]
class fontTools.pens.svgPathPen.SVGPathPen(glyphSet, ntos: ~typing.Callable[[float], str] = <class 'str'>)[source]

Bases: BasePen

Pen to draw SVG path d commands.

  • glyphSet – a dictionary of drawable glyph objects keyed by name used to resolve component references in composite glyphs.

  • ntos – a callable that takes a number and returns a string, to customize how numbers are formatted (default: str).

>>> pen = SVGPathPen(None)
>>> pen.moveTo((0, 0))
>>> pen.lineTo((1, 1))
>>> pen.curveTo((2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4))
>>> pen.closePath()
>>> pen.getCommands()
'M0 0 1 1C2 2 3 3 4 4Z'


Fonts have a coordinate system where Y grows up, whereas in SVG, Y grows down. As such, rendering path data from this pen in SVG typically results in upside-down glyphs. You can fix this by wrapping the data from this pen in an SVG group element with transform, or wrap this pen in a transform pen. For example: .. code-block:: python

spen = svgPathPen.SVGPathPen(glyphset) pen= TransformPen(spen , (1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0)) glyphset[glyphname].draw(pen) print(tpen.getCommands())


Generate per-character SVG from font and text